About Us

About Us

::The Euclid Observer is the gift of Euclid businesses and Euclid residents to our fellow residents and businesses. The core group that started this paper has over 200 years of residency, education, and life experience in and around Euclid. Together, we have created the Euclid Observer to be the best way to learn about, know and enjoy life in Euclid.

The Euclid Observer is Euclid's only newspaper. We get minimal coverage by The Plain Dealer; the Sun Papers did not feel we were worth enough money, The Scene, in the form of soundbites from outsiders. The Euclid Observer is based in downtown Euclid and 99% of the people associated with the paper live and/or work in Euclid. The Euclid Observer is not competing with these great papers; far from it. We are trying to go deeper into the stories covered by these papers while highlighting some of the things they have overlooked.

What also makes us different is our goal/mission; to help this city know itself better than any city has before. The way in which we will accomplish this goal is to engage all residents and businesses in the project. Tell us the stories we need to hear, so that we may write them and get them out, or better still, write the story yourself and send it in. We will also be looking at some of the tough social/urban issues and ways to work with them or around them. We will search our on-line Observation Deck (forum) for story ideas and thoughts that need to be explored, energize the discussion, cover it in the paper, then take it back to the roundtable for further discussion, and action. Many Observers are active in politics, schools business, entertainment, and just plain active in Euclid.

Finally, we hope that the Euclid Observer becomes the city's "Small Town Newspaper," a single source for news, schedules activities, and announcements. If you know of an event, drop us a line: we would be happy to cover it, From Kiwanis meetings to weddings, from school events to anniversaries, from business openings to political races, you will find it, or space for it here at the Observer.

This is Euclid’s gift to Euclid. Please enjoy it, and join us.

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Mission Statement


The mission of the Euclid Observer is to attract, articulate, and amplify civic intelligence and community good will in the city of Euclid and beyond.

Our goal is to help Euclid residents and neighbors learn as much as possible about the city. In its efforts to know Euclid par excellence, the Euclid Observer will illuminate the many facets of culture, arts, business, education, religion, and lifestyle this diverse city has to offer.

The Euclid Observer will capture Euclid life in the present, imagine its promising future, and celebrate its rich urban history.

The Euclid Observer shall provide a sounding board for charities, institutions, schools, children, families, events, and City Hall. We intend to open a space for long-running dialogue with everyone who works, lives, or plays in the great city of Euclid.

In this twenty-first century urban experiment, the Euclid Observer will strive to construct for the city an open and unbiased ensemble of white papers for mapping community solutions, advancing responsible economic development and sustainability strategies, and tracking results.

Finally, the Euclid Observer will invite the entire community to celebrate the vibrant mosaic of culture, nature, history, and personality we call Euclid.



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